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Olympus Camera Repairs - Zuiko Lens Repair

We can modify the light meter circuit on your OM-1 / OM-1n to take the modern PX625 (625A) battery and calibrate, please ask.

OM-1n top

The Olympus OM-1/1n & OM-2/2n
are some of the best
SLR cameras ever made.

If your Olympus camera or lens requires
repair, servicing or cleaning
contact us or call in to our shop.

Newton Ellis & Co. (Est.1948)
29 Cheapside, Liverpool, L2 2DY.
Phone - 0151 236 1391.

Email your question

Please phone, email or
visit our  'Contact Us'  page.

OM-2n top
OM-1n front OM-2n front

Check the light seals on your camera at the film door hinge and along the door groove
if they are sticky or have become hard we can replace them for you.

Nationwide & worldwide postal service available if you can't get in to our shop, please ask.

Zuiko 8mm Zuiko 21mm Zuiko 35mm Zuiko 50mm

Most OLYMPUS lenses can be repaired, collimated and cleaned.

It is also worth checking the iris in your lens, if it is sluggish to open or close
we can sort it out for you, it is quite common.

Zuiko 135mm
Zuiko 400mm

OLYMPUS ZUIKO lenses are among the best optics available.

Just a small sample of some of the Olympus cameras we look at.

35RD E410 EP1
FE360 Tough FE320
35SP OM4 SP800UZ

Most Olympus 35mm and digital cameras can be repaired, serviced and cleaned.

If you are sending a repair to us why not download our booking-in form, it helps speed
things up.  It can be viewed and printed out in Word or WordPad.     Download it here

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If you would like any more information on
OLYMPUS equipment - repairs & sales
please click on the picture to enter our
main photographic equipment website.

Newton Ellis & Co. (Est.1948)
29 Cheapside, Liverpool, L2 2DY.
Phone - 0151 236 1391.
Zuiko 200mm